New Zealand Law Society - Shared services rule change for in-house lawyers

Shared services rule change for in-house lawyers

This consultation is now closed.

In-house lawyers are now able to advise more than just their employers (or those within the same company group). They can now advise many interconnected entities.  The key is whether the controlling entity has at least 50 per cent control over the other entity.  Further details of the rule are explained below.

Changes to rule 15.2 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 came into effect 1 July 2016. From that date the amended rules allow in-house lawyers to provide regulated services to a wider range of entities where they are related to their employing organisation.

The Law Society is providing information and resources to in-house lawyers to understand the changes and to operate in the new environment. Details of the requirements and conditions which apply from 1 July are summarised as follows:

For further information about the new rule or if you have any queries, please email