New Zealand Law Society - Law reform submissions

Law reform submissions

One of the Law Society's most valued roles is to provide an informed and reasoned voice for lawyers and for the public on bills referred to select committee and discussion papers from government agencies and other bodies. Read below for our current and recent work.

Current work

Our Law Reform Committees are currently considering the following consultations:

Sentencing (Reinstating Three Strikes) Amendment Bill introduced

This Government Bill, which is an omnibus bill seeking to reinstate the three strikes regime for sentencing serious repeat offenders, was introduced this week. The Law Society’s Criminal Law Committee and Human Rights and Privacy Committee will consider making a submission; to contribute comments, please email Shelly Musgrave.

Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Scheme Agricultural Obligations) Amendment Bill introduced

This Government Bill, which seeks to amend the Climate Change Response Act 2002 by removing agricultural activities from the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, has been introduced. The Law Society’s Environmental Law Committee and Climate Change Law Committee will consider making a submission; to contribute comments, please email Shelly Musgrave.

Education and Training Amendment Bill introduced

This Government Bill, which repeals the early childhood education network approval provisions, provides for charter schools/kura hourua, and enables the Secretary for Education to make rules about attendance data, has been introduced. The Law Society’s Public Law Committee will consider making a submission when the Bill is referred to select committee; to contribute comments, please email Nilu Ariyaratne.

Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill introduced

This Government Bill, which amends the Overseas Investment Act 2005 to enable overseas investment in "build-to-rent" housing has been introduced. The Law Society’s Property Law Section will consider making a submission when the Bill is referred to select committee; to contribute comments, please email Kim Bull.

Recent Submissions and Correspondence

Some of the Law Society’s recent submissions and correspondence on law reform issues are set out below. A full list of submissions and correspondence can be found under the archive section on this page.

Submissions Archive