New Zealand Law Society - Using the logo

Using the logo

NZLS Panel of Mediators – Family Specialist member logo

The New Zealand Law Society has developed a 'member logo' which is available for members of the Law Society’s Panel of Mediators – Family Specialists to use to distinguish themselves as members of a group specialising in family mediation. This allows qualifying members to incorporate the member logo into their own firm letterhead, website and other marketing material.

The Law Society and the Family Law Section hopes the member logo will become synonymous with the practice of family mediation and one that members of the Law Society’s Panel of Mediators – Family Specialist will be proud of.

Guidelines on using the member logo, downloading the artwork and a licensing agreement are available.

Using the member logo

This is the member logo developed for members of the NZLS Panel of Mediators – Family Specialist.

How do I use the member's logo?

Step 1: Qualifying criteria

The logo is available for use by fully paid up members of the NZLS Panel of Mediators – Family Specialist. Members must maintain their accreditation status and their membership of the Law Society’s Family Law Section in order to retain their Panel membership.

Step 2: Licence Agreement

If you are a member of the Panel and wish to use the Panel member logo, you must agree to the terms and conditions in the NZLS Panel of Mediators Licence Agreement. Complete the document, ensuring you initial each page of the agreement, fill in the date on the first page and sign the last page of the agreement before returning it to:

The Manager
NZLS Family Law Section
PO Box 5041 / DX SP20202

Step 3: Guidelines for use

Consistency of use is an essential component of any corporate identity. Accordingly, Guidelines for the Use of NZLS Panel of Mediators Family Specialist logo set out the way in which the NZLS Panel member logo can be used.

Subject to these guidelines, members can print the logo on their letterhead, compliments slips, business cards, business folders, notepads, envelopes, signage and so forth, and use it in advertising and other marketing material. The logo can also be used on your email communications.

Step 4: Download the logo kit

Download the logo kit as a .ZIP file containing files suitable for print, office applications (such as Word or Powerpoint) and the web:

Download the logo kit

If you need files in a different format, or if you have difficulty downloading the file from the website, please contact the Family Law Section administrator, Christine Pugh, by email, or DDI (04) 463 2966.

For more information about using the NZLS Panel of Mediators – Family Specialist member logo, please contact the Family Law Section manager, Kath Moran, by email, or DDI (04) 463 2996 or PO Box 5041, Wellington.