New Zealand Law Society - Young lawyer groups

Young lawyer groups

The Law Society wants to encourage and support lawyers who are relatively new to the legal profession. Lawyers in their first two years of practice receive free membership to the Law Society.

Several Law Society young lawyer groups are well established around the country and you can find information on these, plus news, information, research and other resources which we hope will assist New Zealand's young lawyers.

Some useful resources

Young lawyers' groups

There are a number of Law Society groups for new and young lawyers. Some of these represent new lawyers on the local branch Council. While definitions can vary, a "new" or "young" lawyer is generally someone who has been in legal practice for less than five years.

New in the Law

Profiles of some of New Zealand's young lawyers. How did they get into law, how do they feel about working as a lawyer?

Back in New Zealand

Our new series looks at the experiences of lawyers who have left New Zealand to work overseas and then returned.

The New Lawyer podcasts

The New Lawyer is a regular podcast produced by Symphony Law for new and young lawyers, law students and anyone wanting to think differently about the culture of legal practice. Hosted by lawyer Katie Cowan, the podcasts are conversations with lawyers from all backgrounds and levels of experience, with a view to illuminating the practice of law and connecting listeners with new perspectives about their careers.