New Zealand Law Society - How can I get best value from my lawyer?

How can I get best value from my lawyer?

Get advice promptly

It will usually save you anxiety and money in the long run.

See a lawyer before you sign any important document

If you don't, you could find out – to your cost – that the words don't mean what you thought they did.

Don't leave it until the last minute

If a lawyer has to drop other work to help you at short notice, it may mean you pay more. It is best to give your lawyer as much notice as possible.

Give your lawyer all the documents

Always supply any relevant legal documents, letters, accounts, receipts and other papers to your lawyer. Put the documents in a logical order.

Be well prepared

Among other things, your lawyer's charges will reflect the amount of time spent looking after your affairs. If you take up the lawyer's time unnecessarily, you are wasting your money. Before you visit your lawyer, sort out everything you want to discuss.

Keep contact to the essential

Although you need to keep your lawyer fully informed, do remember that your lawyer may charge for his or her time, including time spent on the phone or emailing.