New Zealand Law Society - Standards Committee decisions

Standards Committee decisions

These summaries of decisions have been made by Lawyers Standards Committees on complaints made against lawyers and employees of lawyers since the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (LCA) came into force on 1 August 2008. The Standards Committees are the first formal decision makers for complaints against lawyers.

Please note that this is not a comprehensive record of all complaints made against lawyers. It is a record only of decisions where publication has been directed by the Standards Committee in the particular case. Under s142(2) of the LCA, only a Standards Committee can direct publication of a decision, with or without the identity of the lawyer being disclosed.

Anyone accessing these summaries should note the following:

  • Each summary is in the form in which it has been approved for publication by a Standards Committee;
  • Summaries are published in date order and are published after any review period has expired;
  • All efforts have been made to comply with publication orders or other statutory provisions which may apply to a particular decision;
  • The onus remains on anyone using material in a decision summary to ensure that the intended use of the material does not breach any order or statutory provision. The terms of any suppression orders, or any orders limiting the content of any publication, will be included in the summary