New Zealand Law Society - Law Society statements

Law Society statements

All Law Society statements

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John Revans Eichelbaum censured

The New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal has censured Auckland barrister John Revans Eichelbaum after finding him guilty of two charges of misconduct and one charge of unsatisfactory conduct. The Tribunal dismissed two other charges and amalgamated two charges into one charge. As well as the censure, the Tribunal ordered Mr Eichelbaum to pay the…

NZLS reminder on expiry of qualifications

The New Zealand Law Society is reminding lawyers that courses required for lawyers who want to practise on on their own account and to act as trust account supervisors expire three years after attendance. The Law Society says lawyers are reminded of the following: Flying Start/Stepping Up All those who completed these training…

Criticism of Judge unfair

Criticism of sentencing decisions by judges is easy and usually ignores the wide range of information and factors which the judges have before them and must take into account, New Zealand Law Society President Chris Moore says. "Because our judges must remain impartial and be seen to be so, they are unable to defend themselves…

"Minor defendant" concept not supported by NZLS

Introduction of the concept of a "minor defendant" is misconceived and should not be adopted, the New Zealand Law Society says, pointing to further delay, cost, complexity and uncertainty if it were introduced. The Law Society has provided comments to the Ministry of Justice on the provision of relief for minor…

Law Society releases letter on H&S amendments

The New Zealand Law Society has released a letter it sent to the Minster of Workplace Relations and Safety, Hon Michael Woodhouse, about amendments to the Health and Safety Reform Bill. The letter, sent to Mr Woodhouse on 21 August, outlined the Law Society's concerns about insertion of Schedule 2A by the select committee in…

Briton Trevor Salter censured

Auckland lawyer Briton Salter has admitted two misconduct charges before the New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal. He has been censured, fined $5,000 and ordered to pay the New Zealand Law Society $9,853 in legal costs and to reimburse hearing costs of $3,259. The first charge was for using the trust account of another law…

Late addition of national security provisions concerns Law Society

The New Zealand Law Society has expressed its significant concerns at the last-minute addition to the Health and Safety Reform Bill of provisions for a closed material procedure for court proceedings where national security is involved. The Law Society has written to the Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety, saying the provisions should not have been…

Public security inquiry best option says Law Society

The New Zealand Law Society believes there should be a comprehensive review of all security and intelligence legislation with a view to replacing it with a single Act. The importance of the subject matter means the review should start from first principles and be a public inquiry conducted under the Inquiries…

Lack of certainty in Plantation Forestry rules

Many of the draft rules setting a national environmental standard for plantation forestry lack sufficient certainty, the New Zealand Law Society says. The Law Society has released its comments on the consultation document A National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry. It notes that as the draft rules are intended to convey…

Law Society applauds all-woman Court of Appeal bench

The New Zealand Law Society says it is delighted with the news of the first all-woman bench in the Court of Appeal's 153-year history. This week, President Ellen France, Justice Christine French and Justice Helen Winkelmann sat as a Permanent Court of three women – the first time this has ever happened. New Zealand Law Society statistics…