New Zealand Law Society - Excellent CPD completion rate

Excellent CPD completion rate

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Nearly 98% of New Zealand’s practising lawyers have declared that they completed their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements in the year to 31 March 2017.

Lawyers who provide regulated services under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 must maintain a CPD Plan and Record (CPDPR) and complete 10 hours of CPD activities annually. The CPD requirement was introduced by the New Zealand Law Society on 1 October 2013.

At the end of each CPD year, on 31 March, lawyers are required to file a declaration that they have complied with the CPD Rules.

This year 97.7% of lawyers have completed their declarations. This is the second year running that over 95% of lawyers have made their declarations on time.

The Law Society’s Professional Development Manager, Ken Trass, says lawyers who have not made their declaration have been sent a personalised reminder by email.

“If you haven’t declared your compliance with the CPD Rules, you should make your declaration as soon as possible and contact me at or phone 04) 463 2958 if you haven’t already done so,” he says.

“Our approach where someone is late in filing a declaration is a collaborative one. Some late declarations are due to unforeseen circumstances, and there are many reasons why people do not meet the date for making their final declaration. The Law Society’s focus is on understanding the reasons and then assisting the lawyer to comply in a more timely way.”

While the fourth full CPD year is now underway, Mr Trass says most lawyers are aware that CPD is ongoing and there is really no start and end date.

“It’s pleasing that most lawyers are continually assessing their educational needs and planning for these in advance. There are a wide range of activities available already right through to the end of 2017.”
