New Zealand Law Society - Statement on Ukraine

Statement on Ukraine

The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa expresses its grave concern at Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Bar Association, and the Ukrainian Bar Association.

We also stand with our many international colleagues and bar associations in condemning Russia’s invasion.

Russia’s actions are a violation of one of the most fundamental rules of international law, and a direct threat to the rule of law. States are prohibited from using or threatening force against another state, unless acting in self-defence or pursuant to a United Nations Security Council resolution.

“Lawyers across the world, including in Ukraine and Russia, are working to protect the rule of law and to assist those who have had to flee their homes for safety. The New Zealand Government has announced that a special visa will be available to relocate the families of New Zealand Ukrainians. We know many New Zealand lawyers will be offering their services to assist this humanitarian effort,” Law Society President Tiana Epati said.