New Zealand Law Society - Update on Court operations in Auckland 30 Jan 23

Update on Court operations in Auckland 30 Jan 23

Tēnā koe,
I hope that you, your whānau and friends are okay given the devastating floods and rain in Auckland and surrounding areas. If you are going through a tough time, please feel free to contact the Legal Community Counselling Service on 0508 664 981. This is a free service provided by the New Zealand Law Society Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa.
If you have clients in court this week, updates from Courts of New Zealand Ngā Kōti o Aotearoa are below.

Noho ora mai – stay well
Katie Rusbatch
Law Society Chief Executive 

Court operations in Auckland for 31 January to 3 February

Auckland’s extreme rain event of Friday 27 January has damaged the Auckland District Court, and caused minor damage to some other court buildings. The information below advises how courts will operate in Auckland for the rest of the week, and where to find information about court proceedings affected by the temporary closure of the Auckland District Court.

With further rain forecast overnight and in the coming days, the operating status of the courts may change. Updates will be available on the Courts of New Zealand website.

District Courts in Auckland to hear priority proceedings this week

The Auckland District Court will be closed for at least the rest of this week while flood damage is repaired. At this stage, there is no date set for when the courthouse will be repaired and safe to re-open and resume operations.

The Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu has agreed on a local solutions framework, which is attached as an appendix below. It explains how proceedings will be managed while Auckland District Court is closed for repair work.

Arrangements are in place for cases scheduled to be heard in the Auckland District Court to be heard in other Auckland courts, on a priority basis. The priorities in each jurisdiction (Criminal, Family, Youth and Civil) are set out in the attachment.

Anyone due in the Auckland District Court this week should await information about their rescheduled date and venue. Please do not come to the Auckland District Court as for safety reasons, you will not be able to enter.

The work of all the District Courts in Auckland (Auckland, Waitakere, North Shore, Manukau, Papakura and Pukekohe) will be rescheduled to ensure the highest priority cases across the region can be heard. Defendants in custody are prioritised and their cases will be heard on the day they are scheduled to appear wherever possible.

All endeavours will be made to contact everyone whose business with the courts may be affected by the rescheduling.

Please ring 0800 COURTS for more information.

Auckland High Court

Auckland High Court will be fully operational on Tuesday 31 January and dealing with all scheduled matters. The Court will be working to minimise in-person attendance at court this week, in keeping with guidance for people to avoid travelling into the city. Please contact the registry for further information.

Specialist courts

The Auckland Employment Court, Environment Court and Coroners Court are, at this point, continuing to sit as usual, however this will be kept under review. The courts will inform parties of any change.

Māori Land Court hearings in Auckland are not affected.

Appendix 1: Local Solution framework

Judge Heemi Taumaunu