New Zealand Law Society - ALPMA financial performance benchmarking research

ALPMA financial performance benchmarking research

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

The Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA) is collecting information for its annual New Zealand Financial Performance Benchmarking Study.

ALPMA, which is carrying out the study in conjunction with accounting firm Crowe Horwath, says participation is free and open to all New Zealand law firms.

The survey closes on 31 October 2017. Results will be released in early December.

ALPMA says participants receive a secure log-in to Open Measures, Crowe Horwath's proprietary benchmarking software. This graphically presents a firm's financial results enabling it to compare its performance on key measures to similar firms using filters including state, practice type and size of firm, giving a relevant benchmark to work from.