New Zealand Law Society - Average Ministry of Justice salary lowest in public service

Average Ministry of Justice salary lowest in public service

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Information from the State Service Commission's 2018 Our People, Public Service Workforce Data shows that the Ministry of Justice has the lowest annual salary for a department.

The average salary of a Ministry of Justice employee in 2018 was $67,800. This was up 1.4% on the ministry's average salary in 2017.

The highest average salary for a public service department in 2018 was $141,200 for the Pike River Recovery Agency. This was followed by the State Services Commission, with an average salary of $138,200. The Pike River Recovery Agency was not in existence in 2017. The State Services Commission average 2018 salary was up 2.6% on its 2017 average salary.

The average salaries do not include chief executives. The average annual salary for the public service in 2018 was $77,900, which was an increase of 3.3% from the previous year.

The State Services Commission says departments that have a higher proportion of staff in operational and service delivery jobs tend to have a lower average salary.

Other justice sector departments in this category were the Department of Corrections (average 2018 salary of $69,300, up 5.0% on 2017 average). The department had the third-lowest average salary.

The Crown Law Office had an average 2018 salary of $99,600, giving it the 12th-highest average salary. The Crown Law average salary was up 1.1% on its 2017 average.

The Serious Fraud Office was sixth-highest in average salaries, at $113,200 in 2018. This was up 1.5% on 2017.

The State Services Commission says that in the year to June 2018, there was an increase of 1.4% in wages or salaries in the public sector and 2.1% in the private sector. Within the public sector, the public service showed an increase of 1.3%. General inflation, as measured by the CPI, increased by 1.5%.

In 2018, the average base salary for the public service workforce as a group increased by 3.3%, with non-management staff up 2.9% and management staff up 3.4%.

Women in the justice sector departments

The report contains information on the proportion of women in each department, the proportion in senior management roles (tier 2 and 3 senior managers) and the gender pay gap (measured with guidance from Statistics New Zealand).

Department FTE employees % Women % Women in Snr Mgt Gender Pay Gap
Crown Law Office 179 69.7% 44.4% 31.5%
Dept of Corrections 8,990 46.9% 43.3% 1.7%
Ministry of Justice 3,780 68.3% 54.9% 13.2%
Serious Fraud Office 45 47.9% 40.0% 8.2%
Whole Public Service 49,730 60.9% 48.8% 12.2%

Ethinic diversity in the justice sector departments

Department % Asian % European % Māori % Pacific
Crown Law Office 6.9% 71.3% 7.4% 1.6%
Dept of Corrections 8.1% 71.2% 21.4% 11.4%
Ministry of Justice 10.8% 68.9% 17.5% 12.3%
Serious Fraud Office 10.4% 81.3% 2.1% 2.1%
Whole Public Service 10.1% 69.2% 16.0% 9.1%

Age and employment indicators in the justice sector departments

Department Ave age
Ave leave balance
Ave tenure
Unplanned turnover
Crown Law Office 38.1 15 5.1 22.3%
Dept of Corrections 46.8 22 8.4 9.2%
Ministry of Justice 42.8 11 7.4 15.1%
Serious Fraud Office 43.2 6 5.4 23.4%
Whole Public Service 44.6 16 9.0 12.1%