New Zealand Law Society - Consumer Guarantees Act education campaign

Consumer Guarantees Act education campaign

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

A number of organisations have launched an information programme to educate New Zealand businesses and consumers about their rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

The programme is being co-ordinated by MBIE’s business and consumer protection teams, as well as the Commerce Commission, Commission for Financial Capability, Citizens Advice Bureau, Consumer NZ, Community Law Centres o Aotearoa, Netsafe, Trade Me and Retail NZ.

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Jacqui Dean says the highest volume of calls received by MBIE and partner agencies relate to the Act.

The programme has a website, with resources about the Act.

“Using everyday scenarios, the programme focuses on raising awareness amongst businesses and consumers of their rights and responsibilities under the Act. Those rights and responsibilities include that all products and services should be of acceptable quality, fit for purpose, and carried out with reasonable skill, in a reasonable timeframe," Ms Dean says.