New Zealand Law Society - Govt recognises new convention on workplace violence and harassment

Govt recognises new convention on workplace violence and harassment

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

New Zealand has signed up to a new international convention to combat violence and harassment in the workplace.

The Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019, and Violence and Harassment Recommendation, 2019, were adopted at the recent International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) conference, in Geneva.

The convention recognises that violence and harassment in the world of work “can constitute a human rights violation or abuse … is a threat to equal opportunities, is unacceptable and incompatible with decent work.”

The ILO says it aims to protect workers and employees, irrespective of their contractual status, and includes persons in training, interns and apprentices, workers whose employment has been terminated, volunteers, job seekers and job applicants.

“The new standards recognise the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment," says Guy Ryder, ILO’s Director-General.

"The next step is to put these protections into practice, so that we create a better, safer, decent, working environment for women and men. I am sure that, given the co-operation and solidarity we have seen on this issue, and the public demand for action, we will see speedy and widespread ratifications and action to implement.”

The ILO, the UN’s agency dealing with world of work issues, is marking its 100th year in 2019.