The Justice Minister has ruled out a short-term increase in the amount jurors receive.
The National MP for Whangarei Shane Reti asked a written question last month: “What steps is the Minister taking to improve pay rates for jurors who undertake jury service?”
Mr Little responded: “There are currently no plans to review the fees and expenses that are paid to jurors at this time.”
Dr Reti also asked “Will the Minister consider juror “pay equity” so that employed jurors receive compensation commensurate with their current hourly rates of pay?” and was referred back to Mr Little’s first response.
Jurors get paid $31 for each half-day they are in court, for the first five days. This rises to $89 for a full day if they are still there after 6pm, and to $127 if they remain in court after 9pm. These fees increase to $40, $114 and $163 respectively for any days after a week. All fees are tax-free.
The Ministry of Justice website informs jurors that: "The fee is to thank you for your service. It’s not meant to replace your wage or salary."
In September 2017, the then Justice Minister Amy Adams was quoted as saying she would be "open" to considering an increase in jurors' attendance fees, which have not changed since 2004.