Following the Government’s announcement of the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic response to Level 2, from Monday 23rd March all our Law Society offices will close and our staff will begin remote working.
You can be assured that we will continue to offer our key services to members wherever possible via online channels.
We will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future, to safeguard our people, our members and our communities. Reducing the number of people in our offices reduces the risk for everyone.
We understand that the rapidly changing pandemic situation can be stressful – and that the legal profession has unique needs and challenges at this time.
We are working in partnership with other professional legal organisations to provide regularly updated guidance, support and advocacy for our members and the profession via our online channels. More information is on our dedicated COVID-19 information section.
If you are seeking up to date COVID-19 official health information please go to the official Government site: