New Zealand Law Society - NZ law now a $3 billion industry

NZ law now a $3 billion industry

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Income from the sale of legal services in New Zealand has topped the $3 billion mark.

Provisional information from Statistics New Zealand's Annual Enterprise Survey shows that total legal services income in the year to 30 June 2015 was $3.059 billion.

This was up 2.3% on the previous year. With total expenditure of $1.989 billion, the legal services industry had a before-tax surplus in 2014/15 of $1.057 billion. This was down by 2.8% on the $1.087 billion surplus in the previous year.

Provisional Legal Services (ANZSIC M693100) Earnings for year to 30 June ($ million)

Measure 2015 2014 2013
Total Income $3,059 $2,991 $2,794
Salaries and wages $1,028 $1,001 $892
Purchases and operating expenses $827 $789 $760
Other expenditure $134 $120 $103
Total Expenditure $1,989 $1,910 $1,755
Surplus before income tax $1,057 $1,087 $1,041