The average monthly number of visitors to the New Zealand Legislation website continues to grow, the annual report of the Parliamentary Counsel Office says.
The report, for the year to 30 June 2018, indicates there were around 275,000 visits per month in the 2017/18 year - up from just over 250,000 in 2016/17.
The PCO says work on indentifying further improvements to the website has progressed. Areas to be targeted include the search functionality and improving the relationships between legislation on the site and content on other websites.
During the 2017 calendar year the PCO drafted and published 45 Government bills (down from 50 in 2016 and 65 in 2015) and 310 legislative instruments (no change from 2016, down from 323 in 2015).
Among the highlights of the 2017/18 year, it says, was presentation of a new revision programme to Parliament on 4 April 2018, significant progress in developing its te reo Māori strategy, a workplace engagement survey which showed very high staff engagement at 88%, the award of the WriteMark "Best Plain English Legal Document" Award for the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017, and significant progress with the Access to Secondary Legislation Project.