Official Information Act 1982 complaints received by the Ombudsman in the six months to 31 December 2019 were up 11% on the previous six months (up 78 to 771), while Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 complaints were up 20% (up 34 to 199).
Information released by the Chief Ombudsman shows that the July to December figures have been higher than the first six months of the year in each of the past three years. Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says this suggests that the Christmas-New Year holiday season has an effect.
“The number of OIA complaints we receive does fluctuate, but over the past few years they have been rising. Likewise, the number we complete fluctuates. It depends on the complexity of the complaint and how much time and resources are required to close them,” says Mr Boshier.
“The number of LGOIMA complaints has increased from a fairly low base, but as this is only the second set of full data we have published for local government, it is too early to see any trends.”
Complaints received from 1 July to 31 December 2019
Legislation | Received | Company, association, incorporated society | Individual | Media |
LGOIMA | 199 | 12 | 162 | 24 |
OIA | 771 | 57 | 483 | 172 |
Reasons for complaints, 1 July to 31 December 2019
Legislation | Delay | Incomplete/Inadequate response | Refusal in full | Refusal in part |
LGOIMA | 40 | 28 | 68 | 31 |
OIA | 160 | 48 | 276 | 128 |