Over $20.2 million has been collected since the levy on offenders came into force on 1 July 2010, Justice Minister Amy Adams says.
The $50 levy is imposed on all offenders at the point of sentencing. It was introduced by the Sentencing (Offender Levy) Amendment Act 2009, which added a new Subpart IVA to the Sentencing Act 2002.
Ms Adams says the levy generated over $3.6 million in the year to 30 June 2015. Of that, $2.5 million was used to fund over $2.5 million in additional support and services for victims of sexual violence. this included $1.7 million for specialist sexual violence court victim advisors.
She says the levy helped 8,078 victims who received support in 2014/15. Over 3,400 victims were helped by financial assistance grants.