Greenwood Roche announces new Principals
Greenwood Roche’s newest Principals: Letitia Stenberg and Rob Harris.
Letitia Stenberg and Rob Harris are Greenwood Roche’s newest Principals.
Letitia is a public works, infrastructure and commercial property specialist with more than 10 years’ experience in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Most recently, Letitia has acted for Watercare Services Limited in the acquisition of property rights for its water and wastewater infrastructure networks, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and councils in the acquisition of property rights for the roading network, and a global financial institution in the management of its commercial property portfolio.
Rob is a construction projects specialist also with more than 10 years’ experience. Rob advises on all aspects of a construction project lifecycle including procurement and contract drafting, during contract works as project counsel and on dispute management and resolution.