New Zealand Law Society - Two new attorneys for Chapman Tripp Patents

Two new attorneys for Chapman Tripp Patents

Two new patent experts, Toby Larsson Hogman and Hossein Mehrabi, have joined Chapman Tripp Patents.

Toby Larsson Hogman (left) and Hossein Mehrabi (right).

With 20 years of international patents experience, Senior Associate, Toby Larsson Hogman, assists a wide range of clients protect their inventions and navigate infringement risk. 

Toby has a master’s degree in engineering physics and specialises in the fields of medical devices, electromechanical devices, biometrics, AI and software. Before qualifying as a patent attorney, Toby was an inventor himself, developing an innovative optical blood analysis device for a leading biomedical testing company. 

Originally from Sweden, Toby has held leadership roles in the Swedish Air Force.

Hossein Mehrabi joins the firm as a Patent Attorney. He is registered to practice in both Australia and New Zealand. 

Hossein has a degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Auckland.  With almost a decade’s experience in patents, Hossein has particular expertise filing and prosecuting patent applications for wireless power transfer, medical devices and green technology. Prior to becoming a patent attorney, Hossein worked as an electronics engineer developing innovative in-flight entertainment (IFE) systems.

Chapman Tripp Patents Director, Matt Sumpter said, “We’re delighted to welcome Toby and Hossein to the expanding Chapman Tripp Patents team. They bring experience and energy as our market share accelerates.”

Fellow Chapman Tripp Patents Director, Ben Halberg, adds “We will be announcing further growth soon, with the team excited about what lies ahead as we deepen our commitment to our clients and help New Zealand inventors and entrepreneurs succeed on the world stage.”