New Zealand Law Society - Shirley Smith Address website launched

Shirley Smith Address website launched

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

A website which commemorates legal pioneer Shirley Smith and the annual Shirley Smith Address is now live. 

photo of Shirley Smith Address 2015
The 2015 Shirley Smith Address. 

The website, at, has been created by the Women in Law Committee of the New Zealand Law Society's Wellington branch.

Shirley Smith (1916-2007) was the 41st women to be admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand, and the first female legal academic at a New Zealand university. She took up legal practice after two years and became widely known for her commitment to social justice and her inspirational example to other women in the legal profession.

The Shirley Smith Address commenced in 2008 and is now a well-established annual event in Wellington.

The website provides information on past addresses, along with the text of most.