New Zealand Law Society - Summary of the latest COVID-19 news for lawyers

Summary of the latest COVID-19 news for lawyers

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa is reviewing the Coronavirus situation on a daily basis and will provide regular updated advice from reputable sources for the law profession. A special website section has been set up and is kept updated.

Below is a summary of the latest news relevant to the legal profession.


  • Chief Justice, Dame Helen Winkelmann provides further guidance on how the courts are operating under alert level 4 and looks ahead to how the courts will operate in the short to medium term under alert restrictions.

Travel during COVID-19 Level 4

  • Lawyers will have received an email during the week of 6 April confirming that they hold a current practising certificate from the Law Society. This is to ensure that they are able to undertake travel in order to provide certain legal services that are considered essential. The Secretary for Justice has written to the Law Society outlining that the Courts and tribunals of New Zealand are considered essential businesses. If you have not received the “Confirmation of being a practising lawyer” letter that was emailed to all lawyers, please email for a replacement letter. The Ministry of Justice has also provided guidance on essential travel

Updates for Practise Areas

Law Society activities  

  • The Law Society has written to the Hon Simon Bridges MP in his role as Chair of the Epidemic Response Select Committee offering assistance with its work in responding to the management of COVID-19.