New Zealand Law Society - LawTalk Issue 959

LawTalk Issue 959

LawTalk Issue 959

This issue of LawTalk marks the coming of a new season; kōanga (spring) and a period of growth. We look at developments across the Law Society and chart a journey of transformation in regulatory reform and a new membership model. The work programmes across these areas better position the Law Society as a modern regulator and kaitiaki of an exemplary legal profession.

Springing forward

Springing forward

Law Society Chief Executive Katie Rusbatch details milestones in the year to date and shares the strategic priorities and main work programmes for the year ahead. Connecting with consumers has been a focus for redefining the public facing website to assist public engagement with lawyers. The Regulatory Reform and Response…
Protection from frauds and scams

Protection from frauds and scams

As a member partner, ANZ shares their specialist knowledge with useful information and insights about how lawyers can protect themselves and their clients from frauds and scams. This topic formed a series of national seminars, and for those who missed them, this short article provides resources and insights into this…
Law Society’s regulatory reform journey

Law Society’s regulatory reform journey

In 2018 the Law Society working group chaired by Dame Silvia Cartwright looked into harassment and unacceptable conduct in legal workplaces. Six years on, LawTalk looks at where we are now, and the impact of the most substantial regulatory changes targeted at the profession ever undertaken by the Law Society.
Law reform and advocacy update

Law reform and advocacy update

LawTalk charts another busy period for the law reform and advocacy team with a raft of submissions being made to Parliament. Notable issues of the past months include recommendations on the Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill, Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill and the high-profile Sentencing Amendment Bill…
“One-stop shops”: Business diversification for lawyers providing regulated and non-regulated services

“One-stop shops”: Business diversification for lawyers providing regulated and non-regulated services

With the legal profession being no exception to current economic pressures, making the most out of your business and expertise is for many, a “must have” strategy. Business diversification can deliver an additional revenue string to your professional bow, but it is not without its limitations. This article examines the…

Professional liability claims against lawyers: Make sure that your firm is not next!

Professional liability insurance advisor Damian Schade of Lockton shares where, when and why professional indemnity insurance is used in the legal profession. Damian shares his expertise to show how lawyers can reduce the impact of a professional liability claim being brought against their firm and how to best avoid a…

An insider view of the Practice Approval Committees’ forward-looking mission

Following on from a series of insider views of the committees of the Law Society, this issue takes LawTalk readers behind the scenes of the Practice Approval Committees’. Volunteers on the front line share the forward-looking mission of the Practice Approval Committees’ and the application of a non-punitive approach to…

NZLS CLE Property Law Conference 2024

Highlights of this year’s NZLS CLE Property Law Conference were the high calibre of speakers who combined energy and good humour with strong and relevant messaging. Networking was also a major feature of the conference which culminated in the evening cocktail event to welcome and celebrate new inductees to the…

Property Law Section membership brings you more

With the new membership year, Law Society members were offered membership to one of the Law Society sections. In this issue we profile the Property Law Section and show there is much more to property law than conveyancing. This diverse subject area has many touch points within legal practice including…