New Zealand Law Society - NZLS CLE Property Law Conference 2024

NZLS CLE Property Law Conference 2024

NZLS CLE Property Law Conference 2024
Hall of Fame inductees (L–R) Justin March, Niamh McMahon, Duncan Terris, Jeannie Warnock and Robbie Muir

Highlights of this year’s NZLS CLE Property Law Conference were the high calibre of speakers who combined energy and good humour with strong and relevant messaging. Networking was also a major feature of the conference which culminated in the evening cocktail event to welcome and celebrate new inductees to the Property Law Section’s “Hall of Fame”. This was the second intake to the Hall of Fame, which was established in 2020 to recognise individuals whose contribution has been truly outstanding and who, over their careers, have demonstrated exemplary service to the legal profession and to the practice of property law.