New Zealand Law Society - How to sign up

How to sign up

Signing up to the charter is easy. The senior named individual responsible for meeting charter commitments can send an email to: with the subject line: Sign me up

You will be sent a link to a short online baseline survey. The purpose of this survey is to help the Law Society establish a baseline so that overall progress in improving gender equality and inclusion can be tracked over time.

After the survey has been completed you will be sent a logo that you can use in your communications and marketing and your name will be added to a list of signatories on the New Zealand Law Society website.

What information will you be asked to be provided to the Law Society?

After signing up to the charter, signatories are required to:

  • complete a short online baseline survey
  • report on progress every two years (via a short online survey) to the Law Society.

How will the information you provide to the Law Society be used?

The Law Society plans to publish a report every two years on the overall progress of the profession in improving gender equality and inclusion. As noted earlier, the report will contain aggregate level information and data and individual charter signatories will not be identified. The only exception to this is where consent has been given for case studies describing practical action taken to improve gender equality and inclusion.


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