New Zealand Law Society - Get involved

Get involved

Develop as a lawyer by getting involved in the Law Society's lawyer-led work.

Law reform

Applications are now open to join a law reform specialist committee. To learn more, and apply, click here.

The New Zealand Law Society plays an active and important role in the reform of law in New Zealand. The Law Society has a reputation for producing high quality, impartial and considered submissions on a wide range of legal issues, on behalf of the legal profession and in the public interest.

Lawyers who are enthusiastic about making a real contribution to law reform in New Zealand have an opportunity to get involved.


National New Lawyers Group

The New Zealand Law Society National New Lawyers Group represents those in the legal profession with fewer than seven years post-qualified experience. Lawyers in their first two years of practice receive free membership to the Law Society. The group is designed to support those entering the profession by providing a direct channel into the Law Society, and complement the networking and education work already carried out by our eight regional new lawyer groups. 

Lawyers standards committees

The Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Complaints Service and Standards Committees) Regulations 2008 provide for the establishment of lawyers standards committees to consider complaints.

There are 23 Lawyers Standards Committees across New Zealand resolving complaints against lawyers.

Up to seven lawyer members and two lay members may be appointed by the Law Society Board for each committee, for terms of two or three years Convenors and deputy convenors are also appointed. A quorum is a majority of members but must have at least two lawyer members and one lay member.

Cost assessors

The Lawyers Complaints Service is seeking lawyers to serve as specialist costs assessors. Costs assessors work under delegation from Lawyers Standards Committees and provide independent opinions on costs complaints.         

Practise on own account panel