New Zealand Law Society - International Treaties & Conventions

International Treaties & Conventions

New Zealand Treaties Online
Provides an official record of New Zealand’s binding legal obligations at international law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is responsible for maintaining records of treaties to which New Zealand is party or to which New Zealand is in the process of becoming party.

Council of Europe's Treaties
This Council of Europe site contains a complete list of Council of Europe treaties and links to the full text, signatures and ratifications.

Hague Conference on Private International Law
The Hague Conference is an intergovernmental organisation focused on private international law. The website includes the full text and status (ie signatories) of a number of conventions including the Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

International and Multilateral Treaties: Washburn
Directory with links to international treaty research,  texts, documents, agreements,  treaty guides and international treaty databases.

International Humanitarian Law Database
Contains full text of 91 Humanitarian treaties, full text access and commentaries on the four Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols, a list of signatories, ratifications relating to IHL treaties and the full text of reservations. Made available by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

International Law Commission
The International Law Commission is a body responsible for drafting international law pursuant to article 13(1) of the Charter of the UN.  Its website includes drafts, topics currently under consideration and its programme of work.

TRIPS Material on the World Trade Organization Website
Provides information on intellectual property in the WTO, news and offiial records, the text of the TRIPS agreement and other intellectual property agreements incorporated into TRIPS including The Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Rome Convention and treaty on integrated circuits.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Provides access to a wide range of documents, treaties and other publications on human rights. Includes links to other UN agencies and international organisations involved with human rights.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Includes the text of the Kyoto Protocol, a list of ratifications, and national communications.

United Nations Treaty Collection
Contains access to a list of treaties, list of multi-lateral treaties deposited with the Secretary General and treaty handbook. The site also provides information on the treaty making process. 

United Nations Treaty Series Online
Pprovides access to the United Nations Treaty Series (a collection of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with and published by the Secretariat since 1945) and Multilateral Treaties deposited with the Secretary-General. Includes useful status information.

University of Minnesota: Human Rights Library
Provides access to international treaties relating to Human Rights. Searchable by keyword and arranged by subject eg: Rights of the child, Indigenous Rights, Disabled Persons.