New Zealand Law Society - Library computer and Wifi policy

Library computer and Wifi policy

Purpose and scope

New Zealand Law Society Library computers and Wifi are available to all practitioners holding a current practising certificate. Computers for lawyers’ use are available in Law Society Libraries throughout New Zealand. WiFi is available in the Auckland HC, Canterbury HC and Wellington HC Research Libraries and the Auckland DC, Hamilton and Otago branch libraries.

Access to the internet is provided for the purposes of researching the law and access to legal information. All New Zealand Law Society Library computer facilities must be used in a professional manner and in accordance with this computer and Wifi use policy.


Confidentiality and privacy

Users must not interfere with another’s use of a Library computer or Wifi.

Be aware Library computers are usually located in open areas which do not allow for complete privacy. All users should respect the privacy of other computer users and any material observed should be treated as confidential.

Unlawful or inappropriate use

Library users must refrain from illegal or inappropriate use of the internet.

Examples of unauthorised use include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Attempting to access or transmit threatening, obscene or harassing materials via the internet.
  • Attempting to engage in fraud or misrepresenting oneself as another person via the internet
  • Attempting to alter, damage, or attach anything to the computer hardware.
  • Attempting to gain unauthorised access to the New Zealand Law Society network or computer systems or any other network or computer system.
  • Use of the computer or Wifi network in connection with any program (including a virus, Trojan horse, worm, cancelbot, time bomb), or activity (including a Denial of Service attack), designed to provide or allow any form of unauthorised control of, or result in an adverse effect on, a computer, a network or data (whether belonging to the New Zealand Law Society or another)
  • To send unsolicited electronic mail to any person for the purposes of advertising or promoting any organisation (spamming)


Use of a New Zealand Law Society Library computer or Wifi constitutes an agreement to obey all applicable laws governing copyright, licensing and content restrictions. Users are responsible for any infringement of copyright or software licenses that could result from the copying or distribution of materials found on the internet.

Internet usage disclaimer

The New Zealand Law Society assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, loss of data, or loss of privacy, arising from the use of internet or library resources.