New Zealand Law Society - Library policies and protocols

Library policies and protocols

The following policies and protocols have been developed to ensure that all Library users are aware of their responsibilities when using New Zealand Law Society Library resources and services.

Location and Access

The Law Society Library is a private library for use by lawyers with a current practising certificate, people with NZLS associate membership, the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice staff and University Law Faculty members.

Library facilities are mostly located within buildings managed by the Ministry of Justice, and the Law Society is required to follow the Ministry’s access, security, and health and safety guidelines which apply to our use of the premises.

Library access card holders must not allow any other person access to the Library, or to any restricted area, including clients, witnesses or family. 

Legal Resources

The online resources made available are predominantly subscription based and the publishers set out specific requirements for their use by Library users for legal research purposes.

The Library’s print collections which are owned by the Law Society, should be treated with the care and respect accorded to valuable resources to ensure the quality and access to the resource is maintained for its useful life.

The Library’s print collections are for use in the Library. Limited borrowing is available, usually for use in Court, by arrangement with the Librarian responsible for the relevant location.

Computer Use

Users of the Library computers/kiosks must observe the Library computer and WiFi use policy.

Library Services and Charges

The cost of running the Library is paid for, in part, from the fees charged for particular Library services. Therefore, it is important that the fees charged for using specific Library services are paid promptly by Library users in accordance with the commercial terms noted on the invoice.

Some services, such as printing from kiosks and photocopying, may not have a system for the recovery of the costs being incurred. In this circumstance, the Library user should only be using these services for Library resources, otherwise they can make a payment to help defray the cost of running the Library. A librarian will be able to assist if this situation arises.

Read more information on services and charges.

Lawyers’ Rooms and Work Areas

The main research libraries in Auckland, Wellington, and Canterbury, along with a number of courthouses throughout New Zealand set aside space for lawyers to work while they wait for court hearings and/or where they need to undertake legal research.

Given only limited space may be available at any one time, the needs of colleagues need to be taken into consideration by all Library users. Generally, the usual protocols applying to Library use will apply in respect of noise levels, sharing the use of resources including the kiosks, and being considerate about the use of the available space.

Application of the Policies and Protocols

The three Librarians (Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury), are responsible for the operation of the Library service and facilities in their designated location and the surrounding region, and for ensuring the above policies and protocols are followed for the benefit of all Library users. Library users, in general, value their access to the resource and are aware of the need to work with their colleagues to share in the benefits. Where Library users do not respond similarly, the assistance of the Branch Manager and/or Branch President may be called upon to assist the Librarian. Withdrawal of access to the Library will be considered as a last resort.