New Zealand Law Society - Change your details

Change your details


Please choose from the following to update your details:

I have changed/left my employer

I have changed branches within the same firm

I need to change my practising certificate type from Barrister to Barrister & Solicitor (or vice versa)

I have changed my name

I intend to provide real estate services

My practising certificate has expired

Our firm has a new employee/ an employee who is leaving

Our firm has changed its contact details

Our firm has a new Trust Account Supervisor

Our firm is opening a Trust Account

Our firm no longer runs a Trust Account

Our firm is incorporating

Our incorporated law firm has made changes to its director/shareholder or name

Our organisation wishes to apply for CPD self-auditing status

Changes you can make yourself online

The quickest and easiest way to tell us about a change to your personal details is by logging in to your Registry account.

Your Lawyer ID (or Lawyer Login) is the six digit number on your practising certificate (Please use the leading 0s). If you have forgotten your password, click on the Lawyer Login page and follow the steps regarding ‘I’ve forgotten my password’.

You can change the following contact information online:

  • your email address
  • your personal phone number
  • your personal address

If you’re not sure what to do

Call Registry on 0800 22 30 30 or email