New Zealand Law Society - Free Counselling Service

Free Counselling Service

No matter what you’re dealing with, talking to a mental health professional can help you through it. The Law Society has partnered with Vitae to offer a free and confidential counselling service to anyone experiencing distress who works in a legal workplace, whether they’re a lawyer or not. Over the past two years, more than 500 individuals have taken advantage of this service.  

Vitae is one of New Zealand’s most experienced providers of workplace wellbeing services. The Law Society has engaged Vitae to provide short-term, solution-focussed counselling by trained and accredited clinicians (including counsellors, psychologists and psychotherapists). Counsellors are available every hour of every day. 

How to access this service 

To talk to a counsellor, contact Vitae: 

Make sure you mention you’re accessing the 'Legal Community Counselling Service'

Who is eligible for this service 

Anyone who is a practising lawyer or an employee of a legal workplace (i.e., a law firm or an in-house legal team). 

How many sessions you can receive 

You are eligible for up to three free confidential sessions with a counsellor of your choice. Your Vitae counsellor may request up to two additional free sessions if they feel they are needed. Note: No personal information will be provided by Vitae to the Law Society when seeking approval for further sessions. 


The Law Society receives only anonymised, summary-level information from Vitae to understand how the service is being used. All contact you have with Vitae will remain confidential.