New Zealand Law Society - Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Law Society has written this code of conduct for all lawyers participating in the mentoring programme.

The code sets out clear expectations and standards of practice for participants to follow. To ensure the relationship between mentors and mentees is a successful, productive and professional one, we suggest you consider the following factors:


  • Confidentiality is a key component of any mentoring arrangement and must be protected. Both parties will respect the information shared and exercise the highest level of confidentiality.
  • Lawyers should note the provisions of rule 8.4(e) and r 8.8 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (Lawyers; Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (Rules), while remembering their obligations under rules 2.8 of the Rules remains in force. Read more

Conflict of interest

Mentors and mentees must be aware of, and openly communicate, any potential conflict of interest matters that may arise during the mentoring process. These potential conflict matters will need to be addressed and disclosed promptly to any affected parties so that they may be resolved effectively. Lawyers should refer to their obligations generally in chapters 5 and 6 of the Rules in relation to this.

In addition:

  • Mentors and mentees entering the mentoring programme must not seek to obtain any personal, financial or otherwise (benefits) from the relationship.
  • If there is a matter giving rise to the potential for a conflict of interest, and this cannot be resolved effectively, the relationship should terminate.
  • In order for either party to end the mentoring relationship, the Law Society recommends agreeing at the outset a safe, honest and transparent way of ending the arrangement for whatever reason and that this process is followed if the need arises to terminate the arrangement.

Professional behaviour/conduct

  • To take part in the programme, all participants will be asked to confirm they have  read and accepted the programme terms and conditions. As part of this process, participants are required to be candid and provide all relevant information to the Law Society.
  • Lawyers must promptly disclose to the Law Society any matter which may affect their ongoing suitability for the mentoring arrangement.
  • The highest level of professional conduct is expected between the parties. Respect, honesty and professionalism is expected throughout the duration of the programme.
  • If a situation arises where you become concerned about the way in which the other party is conducting themselves with you, contact The following support is also available: Get Support


  • A mutually respectful relationship will ensure the mentoring relationship is an engaging and productive experience for participants.
  • Disagreement may occur throughout the relationship. Keeping things respectful will help to ensure a situation does not escalate, thereby contributing to a successful mentoring relationship.
  • Discuss and agree upon objectives at the beginning

Diversity and Equality

  • Respect for different cultural backgrounds, types of practice, age, gender, values and ways of thinking ought to be respected throughout the mentoring process.
  • Open and respectful dialogue is paramount.

Termination of mentoring relationships

If the mentoring relationship is not working for either party, the relationship may be terminated. It is expected that the parties will have agreed a process for ending the mentoring relationship and will have followed that process. Please contact if you would like any assistance with this process. Additionally, you can stay in the programme and connect with a new mentor or mentee if you would like.