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Tag: LawTalk 939

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Recent New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa Initiatives

Initiatives and statements by the New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa in recent months include the following: Proposed barrister AML/CFT reporting requirements opposedRequiring AML/CFT reporting by barristers would impose an unnecessary and duplicative compliance burden that is disproportionate to any risk, the New Zealand Law Society |…
A message from the Secretary for Justice, Andrew Kibblewhite

A message from the Secretary for Justice, Andrew Kibblewhite

Andrew Kibblewhite Kia ora tatou, I hope you and the ones who matter most to you are safe and well in these uncertain times. As I write this, the Prime Minister has just announced that Alert Level 4 will continue until midnight on Monday 27 April, with Alert Level 3 running for at…

The courts and the lockdown: Looking for transformational opportunities

Never before have New Zealand’s courts been disrupted to the extent that has occurred as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Strong relationships and constant communication have been critical to the courts’ response and since 13 March the Chief Justice has been writing to the profession on a weekly…

From the Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture: The art of adaptation

As this issue of LawTalk goes live, the COVID-19 Alert Level is about to go to two. While this is positive news, we are far from a return to normal with many restrictions still in place. This is another test of the flexibility and adaptability the profession has shown since Level…